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Wednesday, 8 September 2010


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香港的八月,難得的晴空萬里藍天白雲,熱愛高爾夫球的好友K,說要帶著我這個高球新手去「落場」試一下我的實力。完全沒有心理準備要完成18個洞,K說:「放心,是9個洞的,也是大嶼山唯一一個免會藉的高爾夫球場-NINE EAGLES!」住進東涌那麼久,早就知道這個位於機場附近的NINE EAGLES,難得有人願意作伴,既可一試場地,又可試吃球場內的泰國菜ERAWAN THAI,何樂而不為。

因為NINE EAGLES有專車在東涌站D出口接送golfers(需電話預約),約半小時一班。出發前,我抓緊時間拉著好友K在東薈城裡的CALLAWAY入貨!如果是高球迷的話,應該對CALLAWAY這品牌一點也不陌生,這是以賣鐵桿聞名的高球用品及衣飾美國品牌,一向受用家歡迎。在outlet裡的CALLAWAY可找到專業的高球服飾,相對外面的專門店便宜許多,很多半價或更多折扣的貨品,我當然不會趁機又添置新品。

CALLAWAY outlet很多special promotion items,雖然高球裝備無折,


走過兩家商鋪,發現英國品牌DAKS,驚喜就在這裡發現!櫥窗前放著一個醒目sharp color的鮮橙色高爾夫球袋!二折!原價三千多減至現在六百多有交易,決定入手,買來與妹妹兩人一起用!超抵!
旁邊的運動袋則由$2290減至$458!K即買即用 !

血拼完時間剛剛好,從東薈城連接地鐵的C出口走過D出口乘坐NINE EAGLES的專車,十分方便!好友K預約時用的是ASIA MILES會員號登記,其實只要能證明自己是機場使用者或飛行常客,就可以使用NINE EAGLES。這相對粉嶺、愉景灣和清水灣這些全部都要有會藉的高球場地,NINE EAGLES幾乎任何人都可以使用!說著說著,從東薈城15分鐘就已到達球場。這天,藍天白雲,可能是正午關係,球場沒有太多人。綠油油的草坪,令人心曠神怡。


在reception登記後,我們正式出發!9個洞的NINE EAGLES屬於walking golf course,所以我們在沒有球僮和高球車下,二人邊聊天邊散步走著,一邊打球,很舒服!第三個洞和第七個洞是這裡的特式球洞,3號洞是Sahara沙池、7號洞是island green水中果嶺,難度蠻高;去到第9個洞,這裡距離餐廳位置足足有320碼,可以盡情揮桿。好友K說由於NINE EAGLES有專人天天打理草坪和set入洞球位,所以經常過來都有新挑戰。我們大概打了兩個小時左右,完成全部9個洞,工作人員說,最好成績的教練大約是29桿標準桿完成,我們的成績嘛...還是有一段距離。看來還是要常來這裡勤加鍛鍊了!




好友K見到MAC GREGOR整套球桿連球袋減價至五千多元,立即尖叫!

打完波,就索性在球會的泰國餐室ERAWAN THAI大吃一頓,補充體力!不過驚喜事再次發生!就是重遇LEK(音:叻)大廚,LEK大廚以前是在CITYGOLF旁邊的泰娘子當主廚,自從CITYGOLF關門大吉後,一直不知他的去向,原來進駐東涌!對LEK大廚的手藝從沒懷疑,這天他見著我這個老客戶也十分熱情,立即煮幾味連餐牌上都沒有的新菜讓我一試。冬蔭功炒蟹、辣椒膏炒蜆,惹味非常!一邊大讚LEK大廚的廚藝,抬頭一望,是師傅在《大廚出馬》節目中出鏡的海報,難怪中午時份都要預約訂座!所以就算不來打波,過來吃飯都是不錯的節目。

ERAWAN THAI的戶外茶座充滿泰式風情!就算兩個人都可以預訂兩個泰式涼亭進餐,適合情侶啊!
咖喱蟹吃得多,冬蔭功蟹你又吃過沒有?酸酸的冬蔭功醬汁非常開胃,蘸後面的印度面包更是一流!順帶一提,ERAWAN THAI有印度廚以及傳統的印度烤餅爐,所以即日鮮制,面包非常新鮮好吃!
很久沒有這樣運動了,這是很滿足的一天!吃罷,同樣有專車接送回到東涌地鐵站,繼續在東薈城吃喝玩樂又可以,好友K回市區也十分方便。以後在東涌,除了遊山玩水和在outlet shopping外,又有一個聚腳熱點了。

地址:香港大嶼山赤臘角香港國際機場航天城東路 20 號


註:預約時,請出示ASIA MILE或MARCO POLO 會員號碼或出示旅客證明、接機送機證明、機場員工證明等均可使用球場。如果心血來潮突然想打波又沒有裝備,除了去東薈城或在球會內專賣店購買外,還可以租用球鞋和球桿。租用球鞋每雙 $40、租用球桿一套$120。


電話:(852) 2109 3306

DAKS Outlet
電話:(852) 2109 0166


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ADIDAS outlet經常人山人海,大家都各自對準目標產品出發!



對於ADIDAS,相信大家都耳熟能詳,兩條line:performance和original都有得減價!跟售貨姐姐閒聊起來,由於世界盃熱還沒有減退,很多人依然還是會特意過來買球隊波衫,當然也少不了幾款最classic之三間球鞋,原價接近$400,現在減至$260左右有交易!才不過二百多,就算波鞋街都難找了!不過對我此等貪慕虛榮之輩,最驚喜是見到連adidas by STELLA MCCARTNEY都有得減!這可是在市區難求之優惠!每次跟阿妹經過時,她都看完又看,經常聽到她的高聲呼叫:「四折,是四折啊!」要知道STELLA MCCARTNEY幾乎是每個fashion icon必有之品牌,adidas跟她合作,就看重其剪裁跟一般運動服有別,勁有時尚感!好多女生都會特地過來東薈城,就是為了可以平平地一過心頭好之癮。




STELLA bra top同樣是阿妹的囊中物,質料好,detail拉鏈位置大大個STELLA大名嘜頭,$400減至$280!


怕太陽曬?白色三葉草經典LOGO CAP帽少不了!減價後$115!

從ADIDAS稍移玉步,就已經到了QUIKSILVER。可能不玩水上活動的朋友對此品牌不以為意,但像我一樣陽光海灘的朋友,就知道在市區專門店買滑浪褲、TEE或妹妹的比堅尼,嘩,都貴到邊買邊肉痛。就算出口店有這品牌,一來不知真偽,二來尺碼不全,所以當我走進QUIKSILVER outlet時,就如進入寶庫一樣!門口附近的「特特價區」,TEE的款式以顏色俱分,本身減價後已經是$99一件!我一口氣買三件的話,再打8折!每件才$79.2!真是佐丹奴都要靠邊站!妹妹這個夏天更在這裡買得瘋狂,不過我也可以理解,因為一套很普通的ROXY比堅尼,在專賣店怎樣也得要接近$700才有,這裡減價後二百多元就有一套!同一個價錢可以在這裡買兩三套,就算日日游水都可以天天新款!想自控一點,實在有難度。


其實除了ADIDAS和QUIKSILVER外,同一層還有PUMA和NEW BALANCE。有時候PUMA outlet有大量TEAMWEAR產品,很多款式還要比時代廣場和SOGO要多!至於NEW BALANCE就更誇張,不下幾次,身邊市區朋友反報料,告之NB東薈城之outlet經常與市區專賣店同步,很多新款鞋在這裡都可以找到,看來以後要巡視尋寶之商店,又多兩間了!


ADIDAS factory outlet
電話:(852)2109 3010

電話:(852)2895 5308


PUMA outlet
電話:(852)2109 3326


電話:(852)2109 1783

Monday, 23 August 2010

Floating Logs: A Walk to Remember

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Do you dare to walk on these primitively tied logs hanging almost 10 meters out to the sea?

So, do you think standing on this raft-like structure would make you feel like Gulliver or Tom Hanks in Castaway waiting for the next savage adventure? or would you find peace and inspiration by having your mind lost in the sea? I have done that. I thought it would be fun hopping around on the logs, but turned out….well, let’s just say I experienced something I didn’t expected before.

What happened before, then?

It is just one station to Sunny Bay from Tung Chung Station. Every time the train passes by Sunny Bay MTR Station, it shows an interesting scene of rows of giant lumbers, solemnly erected in the water. Kids in the train are bound to ask their parents what the wooden pillars are for.

Are they for Kung Fu fighting?
Did beavers build them?Can we go sit on the tree trunks and go fishing?

Thanks to my curiosity and the Internet, I found that there used to be a lumber factory along Sunny Bay, or formerly known as Yam O Bay, at Luk Keng Village ( literally translated to “deer’s neck” which, in my opinion, is a fitting description of the landscape). Legends has it that by soaking lumber in salty water or sea water would make it stronger and more resistant, therefore the stand-in-water-pillars. Yet, years ago, before the time of Disneyland, the factory moved and so were most villagers. The logs were left unattended and created this unique view. Luk Keng village is now mostly vacant except for the occasional fishermen and hikers. And for the lumbers? One by one they were knocked down by the cruel nature, one after one, they drifted away and lost in the open sea.

Besides the upright tree trunks, logs were tied to make simple piers for fishing boats, and together, they offer a fascinating combination of photo opportunity and fun that attracted many photography enthusiasts and bikers to the village in weekends.

And it attracted me as well.

It only takes 30 minutes to walk to Luk Keng Village from Sunny Bay MTR Station. And the direction is simple and straight forward as well, you just need to
1. Get out of Sunny Bay Station
2. Walk towards the sea to the coastal embankment

Luk Keng Village is right in front of you, across the bay

3. Turn left, and walk all the way along the coastline and yes, trains will pass you by, pretty closely.

planes will fly over your head too.

4. Keep to the coastline and turn right when the path parts.

This group of poles means you are almost at the village entrance.

Voila! Luk Ken Village here we come!

If you take the left path, it leads you to Switzerland, well, actually Tung Chung.

After walking in the sun for a while, the village will welcome you with cooling tree shade!

And some gorgeous flowers too.

Besides the flower-laden bushes and fruiting trees, I found some interesting mangrove trees lining the coastline as well.

I kept walking for another 10 minutes and sooner than I realized, I was greeted by the first and the most complex-looking wooden pier in the village.

It’s a weird looking, zigzag-shaped structure. About 8-10 meters out to the sea, there was a tiny hut built at the corner and it made two more turns, a few meters apart, towards the end.

The far end of the floating logs, the only way I could get a closer look was to zoom in with my camera.

Most of the logs were as thick as 30 cm in diameter and were tightly tied with wires and ropes, the buoyancy of the woods acting together could, of course, carry a grown-up with ease. Indeed, I have seen pictures of a group of hikers walking on the woods at the same time. I thought it would be as easy as walking on land.

One, two, three, step after step I carefully balanced myself on the giant logs and with a light jump, I landed on the second row of logs. But then, just when I was about to let down my guard to have fun, I felt the logs moving under my feet. Swinging back and forth, up and down, the “ground” wasn’t solid after all, I freaked out. Big Time!

Now I know it’s probably my imagination, but at that very moment, I felt the logs drifting apart as if the ropes couldn’t hold the “raft” together anymore. The wave, although weak, kept brushing, or even hitting, the logs. My legs started shaking and my knees went weak. I wanted to get back on land but I couldn’t figure out how to turn around. I told myself to calm down and that I was only a few meters out and even if I fell, the water wouldn’t be deep enough to ruin my cell phone in my pockets. Yes, that’s silly of me to be afraid of such shallow water. But I was REALLY scared but bit by bit, I managed to turn and walked back.

I breathed the biggest sigh of relief once I landed on the wet, soft sand. I sank a bit but the landing was so surprising firm and substantial. I looked back to the floating hut, realizing I could never gather enough courage to reach it, let alone the end of the pier.

Later, I asked some fishing teens I met there, they assured me it’s completely safe to walk on the logs as long as you were careful and brave enough. But, I could barely walk straight on a balance beam without falling in gym class, who am I kidding to even try moving swiftly on floating woods? I am hopeless for this thrilling stunt. If you think you can manage surfing, then it should be a piece of cake to you.

were these some sort of banana stems?

maybe I can take this boat and row to the tip of the wooden pier?

a hollow tree trunk washed up on the beach. Good material for raft-making?

This eye-catching orange hut marked the end of the small village.
Many hiker go beyond this point and circled around the coast of Cheung Sok and Yam Tsai Wan.

There used to be regular ferry service going to Tsuen Wan,
but now the pier’s mere function is to make fishing easier.

looking over Sunny Bay Station on the pier.
In the picture, it seems possible to just jump from poles to poles to reach the other side.

Anyway, relieved but somewhat embarrassed, I got back on the path and looked closer at the village, to distract myself from the unsuccessful exploration. Still, it is a walk to remember and a fun experience.