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Monday, 23 August 2010

Floating Logs: A Walk to Remember

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Do you dare to walk on these primitively tied logs hanging almost 10 meters out to the sea?

So, do you think standing on this raft-like structure would make you feel like Gulliver or Tom Hanks in Castaway waiting for the next savage adventure? or would you find peace and inspiration by having your mind lost in the sea? I have done that. I thought it would be fun hopping around on the logs, but turned out….well, let’s just say I experienced something I didn’t expected before.

What happened before, then?

It is just one station to Sunny Bay from Tung Chung Station. Every time the train passes by Sunny Bay MTR Station, it shows an interesting scene of rows of giant lumbers, solemnly erected in the water. Kids in the train are bound to ask their parents what the wooden pillars are for.

Are they for Kung Fu fighting?
Did beavers build them?Can we go sit on the tree trunks and go fishing?

Thanks to my curiosity and the Internet, I found that there used to be a lumber factory along Sunny Bay, or formerly known as Yam O Bay, at Luk Keng Village ( literally translated to “deer’s neck” which, in my opinion, is a fitting description of the landscape). Legends has it that by soaking lumber in salty water or sea water would make it stronger and more resistant, therefore the stand-in-water-pillars. Yet, years ago, before the time of Disneyland, the factory moved and so were most villagers. The logs were left unattended and created this unique view. Luk Keng village is now mostly vacant except for the occasional fishermen and hikers. And for the lumbers? One by one they were knocked down by the cruel nature, one after one, they drifted away and lost in the open sea.

Besides the upright tree trunks, logs were tied to make simple piers for fishing boats, and together, they offer a fascinating combination of photo opportunity and fun that attracted many photography enthusiasts and bikers to the village in weekends.

And it attracted me as well.

It only takes 30 minutes to walk to Luk Keng Village from Sunny Bay MTR Station. And the direction is simple and straight forward as well, you just need to
1. Get out of Sunny Bay Station
2. Walk towards the sea to the coastal embankment

Luk Keng Village is right in front of you, across the bay

3. Turn left, and walk all the way along the coastline and yes, trains will pass you by, pretty closely.

planes will fly over your head too.

4. Keep to the coastline and turn right when the path parts.

This group of poles means you are almost at the village entrance.

Voila! Luk Ken Village here we come!

If you take the left path, it leads you to Switzerland, well, actually Tung Chung.

After walking in the sun for a while, the village will welcome you with cooling tree shade!

And some gorgeous flowers too.

Besides the flower-laden bushes and fruiting trees, I found some interesting mangrove trees lining the coastline as well.

I kept walking for another 10 minutes and sooner than I realized, I was greeted by the first and the most complex-looking wooden pier in the village.

It’s a weird looking, zigzag-shaped structure. About 8-10 meters out to the sea, there was a tiny hut built at the corner and it made two more turns, a few meters apart, towards the end.

The far end of the floating logs, the only way I could get a closer look was to zoom in with my camera.

Most of the logs were as thick as 30 cm in diameter and were tightly tied with wires and ropes, the buoyancy of the woods acting together could, of course, carry a grown-up with ease. Indeed, I have seen pictures of a group of hikers walking on the woods at the same time. I thought it would be as easy as walking on land.

One, two, three, step after step I carefully balanced myself on the giant logs and with a light jump, I landed on the second row of logs. But then, just when I was about to let down my guard to have fun, I felt the logs moving under my feet. Swinging back and forth, up and down, the “ground” wasn’t solid after all, I freaked out. Big Time!

Now I know it’s probably my imagination, but at that very moment, I felt the logs drifting apart as if the ropes couldn’t hold the “raft” together anymore. The wave, although weak, kept brushing, or even hitting, the logs. My legs started shaking and my knees went weak. I wanted to get back on land but I couldn’t figure out how to turn around. I told myself to calm down and that I was only a few meters out and even if I fell, the water wouldn’t be deep enough to ruin my cell phone in my pockets. Yes, that’s silly of me to be afraid of such shallow water. But I was REALLY scared but bit by bit, I managed to turn and walked back.

I breathed the biggest sigh of relief once I landed on the wet, soft sand. I sank a bit but the landing was so surprising firm and substantial. I looked back to the floating hut, realizing I could never gather enough courage to reach it, let alone the end of the pier.

Later, I asked some fishing teens I met there, they assured me it’s completely safe to walk on the logs as long as you were careful and brave enough. But, I could barely walk straight on a balance beam without falling in gym class, who am I kidding to even try moving swiftly on floating woods? I am hopeless for this thrilling stunt. If you think you can manage surfing, then it should be a piece of cake to you.

were these some sort of banana stems?

maybe I can take this boat and row to the tip of the wooden pier?

a hollow tree trunk washed up on the beach. Good material for raft-making?

This eye-catching orange hut marked the end of the small village.
Many hiker go beyond this point and circled around the coast of Cheung Sok and Yam Tsai Wan.

There used to be regular ferry service going to Tsuen Wan,
but now the pier’s mere function is to make fishing easier.

looking over Sunny Bay Station on the pier.
In the picture, it seems possible to just jump from poles to poles to reach the other side.

Anyway, relieved but somewhat embarrassed, I got back on the path and looked closer at the village, to distract myself from the unsuccessful exploration. Still, it is a walk to remember and a fun experience.


Friday, 20 August 2010

出海優雅裝備 NAUTICA二折即搶!

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各位,這就是NAUTICA outlet!

最近在東涌站,經常見到一大群學生們集合,應該是趁暑假過來大嶼山遊山玩水,見他們大包小包從東薈城TASTE入貨後隨即出發的興奮模樣,挑起我學生時代的回憶!想也不想,回去立即約好友們這星期天出海,不過約罷突然想起,well, 連一套像樣點outdoor服裝都沒有,雖然說出海後都是泳裝示人,反正有這麼好的理由,貫徹一向做人宗旨:先買先享受!shopping去也!

去哪買呢?先聽我朋友的真實故事一則:朋友在海港城買馬仔牌最新款POLO恤後,竟發現東薈城outlet店內有同樣款式,不過半價!我不想重蹈朋友慘痛覆轍,所以毫不猶豫還是回到東薈城搜購。其實在東薈城裡,有很多家不同的運動和戶外品牌:PUMA、NEW BALANCE、QUIKSILVER、COLUMBIA等等,不過由於是次活動以出海為主,在腦海中立即閃過美國航海專家NAUTICA!俗語云“輸人不輸陣”,就是說明造型氣勢的重要性。NAUTICA本身就是以休閑航海服聞名起家,典型美國風,色彩夠sharp但剪裁簡潔,易carry,像我這種普通人也能好好搭配,不用怎麼費神如何才能穿得好看。


NAUTICA outlet地方寬敞,一點也沒有因為是outlet而擺放得亂亂的;油木地板映得店面更亮麗,在這裡能夠逛得非常舒服。相對某些戶外品牌,二折起的NAUTICA無論質料或是款式還是價格,都非常吸引! 戰利品立即放送:



是很不錯的選擇吧!不過還沒夠,經過眼鏡88時,就被太陽眼鏡鮮黃色減價標籤吸引著,很多牌子都有大幅度降價:GUCCI、EVISU、ARMANI EXCHANGE等等見到阿妹天天嚷著要買的MARC哥出品太陽鏡,竟然足足減了$400多元!是時候入貨了吧!不然夏天都過去,太陽鏡沒有用武之地就不好了。買給她又可以借來戴出海,一舉兩得!嘿嘿!

MARC by MARC JACOBS的太陽眼鏡,柄邊上印有"marc"字樣,




NAUTICA outlet

電話:(852) 2109 9116

眼鏡88 outlet


電話:(852) 2109 4117

P.S. 血拼小貼士:
一如香港其他shopping malls,東涌這個outlet也會不時有promotions,因此大家不妨留意適場內的海報或顧客服務中心查詢。最近買$800就有禮物送,品質更比我想像中好多呀!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

大嶼山正宗誠意台式吃喝站 豆屋

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薄荷奶綠 $10/小、$12/大




日燒芝士波 $12

台南鹽酥雞 $14

「豆屋」雖然位置有點隔涉,但正正座落在巴士總站旁,等車站著無聊去吃個小吃喝杯解渴台式飲品,絕對是最好的偷閒加油站。 所有小吃及飲品都是即叫即做,故等待時間比較久,飲品約4分鐘、小吃約6分鐘。 如果你怕等,平時在東薈城的TASTE裡其實都有珍珠奶茶,一樣可以為你帶來涼浸浸的夏日,方便又好喝。

店址:東涌逸東商場35號地舖 (逸東巴士總站側)
電話:2109 2669


在较大的地图中查看大嶼山正宗誠意台式吃喝站 豆屋

Sunday, 8 August 2010

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Comes True

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Am I dreaming? But it’s such a great Summer Sunday night. Too good to be true!

You know it’s a great Sunday if you can:
a. Go shopping and find great bargains;
b. Chill at the beach, showered by the setting sun;
c. Dine at a fancy seaside restaurant; or,
d. Enjoy some great live music for free.

You know you are living the dream of many if you can,
e. Do all of the above.

And that’s what I did last Sunday. Don’t get bitter and jealous just yet, as I am about to show you, my friends, how to raise the level of awesomeness of your regular weekends and get yourself vibed up for the coming work days. The feel-good factor was clinically proven (by me) to last for 72 hours in the condition of extremely exhausting and heavy daily workload, and possibly longer in less demanding environment.

To kick start the series of stress-relieving treatments, head down to Citygate Outlet where great discounts and good deals are everywhere to be seen. Definitely a paradise for shopaholics.

The musical fountain at the mall excites kids and adults alike.

After a few hours of crazy shopping, take bus DB01R at the bus terminal right next to the mall to Discovery Bay’s scenic Tai Pak Beach. Let yourself get pampered in the warm, late afternoon sun and gentle, refreshing sea breeze . It may not be the best spot to enjoy the setting sun, but the rays break into vivid colours giving the sky an ever-changing magnificence.

No wonder it’s called the magic hour!

Imagine walking down the cozy beach with your loved ones, how romantic!
Follow the light and you will find great food served with nice, soothing music.

Another great thing about DBay is whenever your belly growls, you can always hop in the nearest diner and indulge yourself in great food and wine. There are more than 20 restaurants of different cuisines and price-ranges scattered around the deck area. Some of them offer alfresco dinning, splendid sea view and even the firework shows over Disneyland. Although it’s rather easy to get a swell meal there, ever so often, too many good choices makes you indecisive, so why not do a little research to decide ahead where to dine?

And here comes the highlight of the dreamlike, rejuvenating weekend:
“A Trilogy of Musical Journey at D Deck” is a series of free concert on the waterfront promenade, featuring the 8-piece house band of the Hong Kong Country Club, Edwin G and Friends. The talented, multi-cultural band will delivery 120 minutes of captivating musical entertainment on the first Saturday and Sunday of August, September and October, from 7-9pm

Last week was “A Weekend of Jazz and R&B”. I am not a big jazz music fan and therefore didn’t recognize most of the number, except for the jazz reinvention of Olivia Newton-John’s biggest hit Physical, but I still found it irresistible to swing and dance along. Families and friends crowded around the small stage while kids dancing freely with hands up in the air.

The midsummer concert was opened by a crowd-pleasing instrumental number.

Kids were wowed by the sweet yet powerful singing from the lead vocal.

A boy chatting up a girl during break time.
Boy: The band is sooooo good
Girl: Wow, you are so clever, you know so much about music.

And when the spot light was out, everyone left with a big smile!

The concerts coming up next are : All-time Favourites of Broadway on 4th and 5th September, and Hollywood Movie & TV Theme Songs under the Stars on 2nd and 3rd October. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to miss the fun!

To sum up the remarkable night, I can’t find any word more appropriate than those of Shakespeare:
I am that merry wanderer of the night. – Midsummer Night’s Dream.

For more details on the music nights, go to http://www.dbay.com.hk/
For shopping details, please always go to visit CITYGATE OUTLET'S facebook, you can always check out some products with big discount.  Highly recommend to check that for all my friends.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Zentro Garden, a bar that saved my life

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Zentro Garden's outdoor tables at night, still pretty nice,
but I was really doubtful if you could see the food clearly.

Arguably the nicest drinking place in Tung Chung,
the restaurant/bar offers al fresco dinning in a garden, especially for the Tung Chung residents.

This blog entry is dedicated to Zentro Garden, a bar that is more garden-like than many so-called back yard gardens in the overcrowded Hong Kong, a bar where a wooden bridge is the centerpiece surrounded by the sound of flowing water, a bar that’s arguably the best and convenient place for residents in Tung Chung or even in Discovery Bay.

And oh, it saved my life, too. Well, more or less.
Here is the background story: Like any sensible human being, ok, maybe just devoted football fans, the Fifa World Cup means the world to me, I breathe, eat and drink football in that one and only glorious month every four years. But apparently, my family didn’t see eye to eye with me and refused to tune in the football channel. When I was left confused and desperate, Zentro Garden came into rescue. I knew a new restaurant/bar was opened earlier this year, around February, but hadn’t yet had the occasion to chill there. A quick search on the internet told me there were a big screen and plenty of flatscreen TVs showing the beautiful games.

so the owner is a fan of Brazil?
I wondered how he felt when his team’s knocked out by the Oranje.

So, one minute I was on the verge of crying, and another, I was eating Malaysian Satay (chicken, pork or beef, half dozen- $60) and deep-fried whole chicken wings (4 pcs-$50) in a comfy cushioned bar stool cheering for my team. What a sweet, sweet comeback.

However, the focus of my rather frequent visits were always the indoor bar and snacks. ( btw, I love their fish fingers -$55 and Mini Chesses Burger 4pcs- $60, perfect for late night football) And I haven’t put much thought on it’s garden seats so I promised to return and try their dinner menu and enjoy its al fresco environment later.

And today, in a melting summer day of all days, I kept my promise and I was, immediately impressed by the nice garden vibe the restaurant radiated in the golden, dying sunlight.

a glass of ice tea in a hot summer day? PERFECTO!

lovely tiny pink flowers in the garden!

palm trees and setting sun, what a wonderful view.

Only when I was done absorbing the nature, although artificial but not any less calming, I drank some iced tea and realized the place served Indian curry and grill – my favourite combo! (oh, they also have pasta, paella and salad etc.) I know, it’s hardly the best dinner idea in the hot summer, but I just couldn’t say no to spicy, aromatic lamb curry, could I? What I could do, though, is to move back to the familiar air-coned indoor bar and enjoy the smoking hot curry and grill.

Caesar salad with grilled smoked salmon ($75)
Couldn’t pass a day without a refreshing salad.

Char-grilled T-bone steak (128)
Medium-well for us, typical avoid-bloody-meat Chinese :)

The T-bone was quite big in portion, and would definitely please any meat-lover! You could smell the char very well, and even the taste of smoke. Although it looked quite burnt for a medium-well, it’s still juicy and went well with the pepper sauce. The (stir-fried? Or grilled?) potatoes were surprising sweet and crispy.

Indian lamb madras with nann bread ($98).
This dish would make you sweat just by looking at its picture!

The tender lamb cube mixed very well with the complex, tasty and very hot curry and the companying white sour sauce. The curry, though strong and may numb your taste buds for a while, it didn’t override the taste of lamb. It also goes with saffron rice which I was told, was soft, not sticky and very savour. But I was in the mood of bread so nann bread for me and it didn’t disappoint me.

I would loved to try the blueberry cheesecake and cream brulee for dessert but I was so full my belly felt like it was going to pop any minute. Well, the new football season is coming real soon, I guess I’ve got plenty of time to try all the food on the menu.

P.S, All menus are in English, but the local Cantonese-speaking servers are very hospitable, however, you might need to stand up to get their attention if you are sitting at the back or deep in the garden.

Zentro Garden
ADDRESS:8 Tung Chung Waterfront Road, Tung Chung
TEL: (852)2802 8000


It's rather easy to get there from Citygate Outlets: start from the Burberry shop on L2, take the esculator down one floor, leave the outlet to the bridge that leads to the group of private housing. Keep taking the left turn untill you passby a few real estate agencies then Tao Heung chinese restaurant where you can find an esculator going down to the ground nearby. Zentro Garden is just three blocks away.

Sunday, 1 August 2010


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最近這一兩年,愈來愈多朋友生了BB,有留意FACEBOOK便知道很多朋友都幫BB開FACEBOOK。 這股嬰兒潮正在我身邊不斷出現,真是送禮都送到手軟。在赤柱出入口店或花園街買那些特平的BB衫,一來BB會容易皮膚敏感,二來又怕無品質保障;在某些大型商場買有品牌的童裝,正價有本事比成人衫還要貴許多!突然想起,城隍廟就在家附近-東薈城名店倉裡不就是有幾家童裝品牌outlet嘛!送禮實在不容馬馬虎虎,二話不說,潮聖去!









啟動了我的購物慾按鈕,停不了就繼續向法國童裝品牌LA COMPAGNIE DES PETITS outlet進發!3折啊!說到底是法國貨,在親子王國網站裡的二手市場內,LA COMPAGNIE的衫仔都要賣$25!我多給十多元在這裡就有一件全新的!怎樣計都是在outlet買夠抵吧!除了在三折貨架上尋寶外,值得推介的還有$129嬰兒套裝禮盒!一盒有4件衫仔(BB女的話就一盒3件再加上小頭箍),最得意是仿皮箱的禮盒,送給朋友絕對大方得體。

LA COMPAGNIE DES PETITS outlet店內放了一輛「玩具車」貨架,




為這些精靈BB買完,原本打算到CLUB 21為自己入貨,結果又有大發現!以前從沒注意到-這-裡-是-有-童-裝-的!OH GOD!DKNY啊,潮媽J見到一定雙目放光!她常說要為小女兒打扮成mini-me!打給她通報消息後,電話一端立即傳來order,只要減到一半都要買!她說一般DKNY童裝動輒都要六百至八百起跳。嘩!這裡減到4折!難怪她高呼買買買,還千叮萬囑要不選擇大大隻「DKNY」字樣TEE,要不選擇超多detail的裙仔,這才叫值回票價。okok, 完全明白潮媽的要求,在此大放送我搜羅回來的正貨:

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bling bling BB最愛的閃石TEE,左邊I LOVE DKNY原價$390,減至$156;

別小看這件DKNY小背心,夏天BB女也要當sexy baby!



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CLUB 21 outlet (DKNY kids)
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