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Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Zen out in the rain at Starz Wine Bar

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Yes, the beer and nachos were really nice!
but can you notice that there was a guy holding an umbrella far away?

I knew it was going to rain. I could smell the rain in the stale air. If it’s just another Sunday, not a work-free Wednesday like today, I would have stayed at home.

Yes, you hear me right. I just had a luxurious day-off on a Wednesday. Imagine not having to wake up to the alarm, imagine starting a day with a big breakfast, imagine having the entire Citygate to yourself, and no crowds! Well, if you think nothing about these, I shall remind you that everyone else was stuck in the office working.

So, no, I was not going to stay indoor because of the stupid rain. And thanks to my unshaken determination, I stumbled upon the less-seen side of the Citygate Outlets at the place least expected- a bar.

Tables of gweilos around happy hour. Nothing out of ordinary.

The said outdoor bar, Starz Wine Bar, located on the plaza, next to the cinema box office and facing the musical fountain, was where I found peace (and a full bladder) in the rain. The place was not new to me as I have been there for a few times- usually to have a quick drink and some snacks while waiting for a movie or after an exceptionally compelling movie, to let any overwhelming feeling sink in.

It’s obviously a cool place to hang out with friends as the drink list is reasonably priced and impressively diverse, even for a bar. From milk to spirits, mocktails to coffee, fruit juice to beer, cocktails to house wine, I dare say even the pickiest drinker will have no trouble placing an ordering there. I am no beer-lover, but I was told that there are beer brands not often found in local bars like Victoria Bitter and Paulaner or draught beers like Hoegaarden ($28 for 1/2 pint), Boddington as well as Blackthorn Cider (I do hope I got the names right ).

And oh, one more thing, the bar serves Earl Grey and Camomile as well! Merely the presence of English tea in a bar deserves a mention, right? In fact, the only drink I could think it may lack is Chinese herbal tea, which would be a great addition as it relieves the heat from the fries, nachos and snacks available there.

Looking for a light bite, you can get waffles, wings or cakes while sandwiches, pasta and even all day breakfast are ready to fill any huge, empty stomach. I found the Panini there very juicily satisfying and the nachos and wings are pretty up on the scale for the standard of a bar kitchen. For tea set, you can get either waffle, cake or sandwich of your choice with tea or coffee for just $35. Not sure if it's because of the Outlet location, truly a bargain for a pre-show treat.

The nachos was quite fresh and crispy. Good choice for pre-dinner snack.

Anyway, after a rather disturbing and depressing movie, I, out of habit, went there and ordered a 1/2 pint beer, while waiting for a long-time-no-see flight attendant friend of mine. It’s not yet 6 o’clock, but most of the tables were already taken?! (and I thought I was the only one who didn’t need to work?!?!) Well, honestly, the heavy rain had washed away the stuffiness and cooled down the heat. The moist breeze was indeed pretty refreshing, making it incredibly comfy for a happy hour chill out.

Cool, refreshing draught beer with nachos. What more can I ask for?

It’s usually full of shoppers hanging out in the plaza.
Look at the palm trees, see the strong wind?

If you have passed by the musical-fountain-cum-plaza before, you will have encountered the typical scene of housewives and domestic helpers with bags of grocery shopping, chit-chatting on the benches while their kids run around the fountain, laughing . The shouting, the laughter and the talking plus the usual song of the world, all come together in a ball of buzzing noise.

Here are some old pictures I took. Just to give you the basic idea of how the plaza looks like on a non-rainy days.

The crowd on a normal day.

The musical fountain which provides countless photo opportunities.
Heard that it's said to be the largest outdoor kinetic fountain in Asia, not sure if it is still now.

Opportunities such as this.

He is the youngest photographer among the photo-taking bunch.

All kids will go crazy in front of the fountain, regardless of age or gender.

Typical way how girls take on the fountain.

And boys will be boys.

The fountain is not “kids-only”, just that kids are way more braver than teenagers. Proof.

But all the hustle and bustle was nowhere to be found, now that the rain had been persisting for more than 4 hours, everyone was rushing back home for a warm dinner. When watching the world slowly went by and spacing out, suddenly I realized how strangely quiet it was. Besides the occasional laughter from the other tables, all I heard was the tranquilizing sound of rain splashing on the ground. It’s surprisingly mind-cleaning. This was the first time I was there in the rain and I found peace.

The vivid colours reflected on the puddles. Pretty magical, right?

It’s a pity that I couldn’t wait for the musical fountain show because of dinner plan or else the show of water poles and dazzling neon lights dancing to the haunting melody would have sublimated the whole quiet, zen-inspiring experience.

Here is where the musical fountain should be, I am running the light show from my memory.

But, well, you can’t ask for too much, right?

Starz Wine Bar
ADDRESS: Shop No. G10A

TEL: 21090612
REMARKS: Opening hour 11am-11pm

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


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航空探知館內還有幾個展館,其中一個是昔日由啟德機場搬到赤鱲角的歷史;另一個館內還有免費Play Station、PSP、PS3試玩室,是其中最受歡迎的展室之一。我還看見不少家長都帶同小朋友來參觀,小朋友看到飛機模型、遊戲機都非常興奮呢!至於裡面還設有的4D影院和模擬駕駛室都需要額外收費,4D影院除了3D播放影片再加上水霧、氣泡、氣味等,做出4D感官效果。







這個展覽內的Play Station都可以自由試玩,好正啊!







開放時間:11:00 - 22:00
電話:(+852) 3559 1070

註:從東涌從機場,可於東薈城名店倉旁邊的巴士站乘搭S1(或S52, S64),15分鐘便可到達!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Row, row, row your boat…

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Row, row, row your boat
Fiercely in the sea…
If you see a dragon screams,
Don’t forget to swim.

Yea, you hear the song right. It’s my Dragon Boat Festival special remix with imaginary drum beats! So, it’s Dragon Boat Festival, or Tuen Ng Festival, again and as a family tradition, we headed to the beach and we picked Tai Pak Bay in Discovery Bay this year.

The weather was so fine! Flags with blessings written on were everywhere around the town.

As I later found out, the 21st Discovery Bay Dragon Boat Races & Carnival was, in fact, quite a big tournament with a total of 56 teams competing for various champions. Some were representing Discovery Bay residents and business corporations while others were from professional bodies. So you can imagine the excitements and big, big crowd….

The beach was jam-packed with teams of rowers and their families and friends.

Kid: OMG! Dragons are landing on the beach! Is it some sort of seaborne invasion?

I better run!....Oh, wait, it’s just another team’s turn to game!

Don't forget the ladies!

The first thing we did, after a brief wander around the beach, was settle down at a cozy spot on the beach, spread the giant picnic cloth and laid out our stash- Oolong tea and bamboo wrapped rice dumplings.

I had exactly 10 seconds to take the picture before
the dumplings were devoured in the speed of light!

Now that we had tamed our stomachs, we started to enjoy the jolly ambience of thunderous drum beats echoing the loud cheering and applause. The happy noise was so ear-splitting that, according to my Granny, it’s only a couple of gongs and cymbals away from the perfect showcase of a big celebration in Chinese culture.

When my family was busy chilling, sun-bathing, chit-chatting or PSP-ing (kids nowadays!), I took my time walking up and down the beach looking for photo opportunities. The scene of little kids playing in the water made me smile and also jealous as I was sweating like a pig in the heat (it’s 32’C, for god’s sake!)

Trust me! She is gonna be the next Beyonce!
She sang and danced in front of my camera for almost 2 minutes.

Ritual has it that the water dragons swim, live (and probably sweat) in is blessed. Such water can wash away bad luck and keep you healthy for years, making swimming an unmissable activity of the festival. And then, this hit me: We used to go swimming on Tuen Ng Festival, how come we don’t do this anymore?

“Are we abandoning the tradition or is it because of water pollution?” I asked my mom. And her reply? “Oh, we are just lazy.” It explained so many things! Anyways, here are some blessed kids.

Oh, they are building sand dune. How cute and classic.
“No! it’s a volcano. The water is lava!”

When I was young, I loved digging rivers that connect to the sea…
“No! These trenches are for war-use!”

“Nice hat, dude.”
“Yours too, bro.”

To take a break from the noisy beach, I took a stroll to the DB Plaza where more than 60 booths were set up. There were game stations, stalls selling home-made merchandises, food and clothes, and a centre stage for magic and acrobatic shows.

Here maybe less noisy than the beach, but was as crowded.

Kung Fu performances and Chi Kung tricks! The master hammered the long, thick nail through the wooden plank with nothing but his hand!

Just like every “Believe-it-or-not” show, you got to test if the board was real.

Look at the kids, they were totally intrigued!

Well, that’s about all that happened to my Tuen Ng Festival in Discovery Bay. Sorry to disappoint if you want to know who the boat-racing champions was because a.) I don’t know (and don’t care) and b.) I didn’t stay for the finals. Dragon boat races are not about winning anyway, but to be a part of the tradition, and most importantly, to have some fun!

Ahoy! Me hearty! To the great, grand ship! We are headin’ home!
Aye! Aye! Captain!

Transportation tips to Discovery Bay:

Buses from Tung Chung MTR station (DB01) and Sunny Bay MTR station (DB03)usually jam-packed in weekends and special occasions, you can do the shopping at Citygate Outlets first and join the special occasions next time; another way, you can take the ferries from Central (Pier 3).

Monday, 14 June 2010


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NIKE OUTLET光猛整齊,由於流量大,所以每周都能發現筍貨。

世界盃終於開鑼!同事幾乎日日熊貓眼上班都要每晚追看賽事。大家知道我住在東涌,立即問我有沒有在東薈城名店倉的運動品牌入貨,買對波boot或球衣,看賽事更投入云云。我沒那麼瘋狂,不過東薈城之NIKE OUTLET的確很多筍貨,同事聽我這麼一說,一窩蜂於收工後跟我回東涌,掃貨去也!

又的確是很方便的!從中環到東涌,就是半個鐘多一些。大家七嘴八舌地熱烈討論熱捧球隊,一會兒就到達東薈城。目標明確:我們都直標向NIKE OUTLET。先是波王V遠遠已雙眼發亮,繼而一手拿起一隻橙銀色波boot (陳列品只有一隻!)然後大叫,「去年C朗著過Mercurial Vapor款! 還要是made in Italy呀!六折!買!」其實最早C朗著的是黑底黃剔款,由於物料輕身,正牌跑都跑得快過人,而且NIKE越出越多色,最新那款淡紫色,又搵C朗現身賣廣告hard sell「I Love this boot!」,youtube上有播(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1f_yicBeUA),波友嫌新作顏色太女仔,反而情有獨鍾幾個舊色。在這個中國工廠的世界裡還能找到一雙意大利製的產品,難怪波王如此興奮!

重點記得留意鞋盒,標明「made in ITALY」!


女同事也不甘後人,Fashion觸覺強勁的,立即發現NSW的蹤影。NSW是NIKE一條較為時尚的副線,全名為「NIKE SPORT WEAR」,在市中心的專門店,好難先打一次折扣,難怪女生都發狂。NSW的jacket,動輒正價都要近千或過千,雖然這裡折扣不是劈價,買到心頭好,又平三幾百,女人就開心。重要的是,根據她們分析,雖然觀塘或九龍灣工廠大廈有NIKE工廠店,但就是沒有這裡逛得舒服!更遑論有NSW啦!


另外一重要發現(這個我也一直沒留意!),原來NIKE OUTLET是有童裝的!(sorry,不是為人父母者,真的走漏眼。)雖然選擇不算很多,但迷你版運動服實在可愛,女士們又一再搶購起來。還有,我見到身型較為瘦小的女士,都能穿得下童裝中或大碼!某些風衣款,根本看不出是童裝!我看得目定口呆,佩服女士無所不用其極的購物本色!

此為中碼款之zip up童裝,潮人同事M,
正宗BB NIKE衛衣jacket連褲仔,一套原價$399,折後$239。


NSW招牌風車logo TEE,原價$239,減價後$148!

女裝NSW POLO波點上衣,原價$239,現$199。
女裝螢光黃色背心one piece,原價$ 299,減價後$179。

又是同事M的搶眼款式,NIKE DUNK LOW款,原價$649,減價後$389。


NIKE ACG輕身outdoor褸,縫口完全密封,好保暖!


Nike Factory Outlet
電話:(852)2707 9159